Beating The Sugar Blues
Image by Andres Ayrton from Pexels
Blood sugar imbalances:
In my years of experience, I have found that, by far, the most damage someone can do to the body is having blood sugar imbalances. We eat more sugar and refined carbs in a week than people ate in a year 200 years ago. This is the common factor in almost every modern disease. The problems are severe and can include:
Increased cardiac risk - Carbs actually cause high cholesterol, not fat!
Hardening arteries (risk of developing Alzheimer’s - aka Type 3 Diabetes).
Reduced stomach and digestive function - The role of Spleen/Pancreas.
Accelerated aging - Sugar sags!
High cancer risk - Tumors feed off sugar.
Adrenal fatigue - Sugar causes Fight or Flight reactions in the body.
Hormone Imbalances - Causes high Estrogen.
Inflammation - Cortisol causes Inflammation and belly fat.
Hypertension - The sugar roller coaster ride.
Increased risk of stroke and clotting - Sugar damages the arterial wall.
Depression - The Ultimate sugar “crash!”
Muscle weakness, tears, cramping - Spleen/Pancreas governs muscles in Chinese Medicine.
Ways to reverse blood sugar imbalances:
Eating something protein-based every 2-3 hours BEFORE you are hungry.
Never miss a meal.
Cut back on refined carbs and sugars to the point where you are not craving them.
Exercise - This is one of the only things that will reduce insulin resistance and improve blood glucose metabolism. A minimum of 30 min. 4-5x a week. Keep it light - walking, swimming and yoga are all good options.
Get acupuncture! I have individualized treatments that balance blood sugar by working with the liver, pancreas, spleen and addictions to sugar.
Once your blood glucose levels have become more stable, you will notice that your energy levels are much better, your adrenals start to recover, your immunity improves, you sleep better, your moods are better, joint pain improves, and on and on!